Are you a “Superfan” or Just a “Friend Collector”?
This blog was inspired by today’s Episode 200 of #TheIncomeStream, hosted by the author of Superfans, Pat Flynn.
Look at this blog title and ask yourself if you even care about the question. If not, then you don’t even need to read on. I’ve already assessed you as, at best, being a “Friend Collector” strictly because it appears you don’t want to take the time to get to know me and you don’t even desire to better know YOURSELF!!!
Now you have a tiny taste of how this works. Think of this as a self-assessment towards gaining insight about WHO matters to you and WHY. So how do you know if you are a “Superfan” vs a “Friend Collector”?
Let’s start by asking ourselves some basic questions:
1) When you send someone a “friend or connection request” on social media, do you even know WHY you are sending it? (Most don’t know WHY they sent it and will actually be offended when you ask them WHY they did.)
2) Once you are connected, is there direct and immediate communication with that person? (Based on my own experience, 99.9% of the time, there isn’t!)
3) Are you communicating in text only, or do you go the extra mile to connect more deeply and intimately via audio or video? (Most don’t use audio/video, so this is YOUR opportunity to stand out from the crowd.)
4) If you DO reach out directly, are you asking the other person mediocre questions such as: a) What type of work do you do?, b) So where do you live?, or even worse … c) How are you today?
If you’re a “Friend Collector”, you will likely friend request people, not know WHY you did it, never speak to them directly, and communicate with them in text only. And on the rare chance you do reach out directly, the conversation will be superficial (news, weather, sports). If you’re good with that attitude, and your only aspiration is to collect people for vanity metrics and/or lurking around other people’s profiles, then BE YOU!!
The thing is … you just can’t BE YOU … around ME!!!!
BUT … if you would rather be a Superfan, I can share with you what mindset you should have, WHY you should have it, and how you can make it happen.
A Superfan sees the person they follow as someone they eagerly and genuinely want to share with others. A Superfan enjoys being a #BrandChampion for that person and cheering them on loudly while seated in the front row of that person’s life.
With this mindset, you will be a positive role model for others to learn how to champion their friends, family, and peers. You will get on that person’s radar organically, and they will likely want to share YOU with OTHERS in their tribe/inner circle of influencers.
One example of being a Superfan can be found in the first photo of this blog. Since today is Episode # 200 of Pat Flynn’s #TheIncomeStream, I wanted to celebrate him and shout him out (as a Superfan does) with a personalized, tagged tweet to show my appreciation for his consistency in showing up (via live stream) for his tribe every day since the COVID quarantine started.
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